Jeff Stark

Jeffrey Stark Staff EvangelistDear Friend,

Welcome to the My Anchor Holds ministry page for Southside Baptist Church Swainsboro, Georgia. Thank you for taking a moment to read this statement of introduction and testimony. I am Evangelist Jeff Stark and would like to briefly share how the Lord graciously saved me and introduce you to the ministry to which He has called me.

I was born again on October 31, 1993 as a result of a church that reached out to and shared the Gospel with military people. I had made a profession of faith when I was a young boy, but when I became exposed to strong, sound Bible preaching, the Lord convicted my heart that I was lost and, at thirty years old, I trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior.

Shortly after that God called me to preach and I sought His will through prayer, Bible research, and the counsel of godly men who I trusted and the Lord made it clear to me that it was His desire that I remain on Active Duty in the Navy while He grew me and prepared me for the ministry. I continued to serve in local churches throughout the remainder of my Navy career and, in July of 2004, I retired from the Navy as a Chief Petty Officer and the Lord opened the door for me to attend Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, North Carolina. I graduated in May of 2008.

The Lord has called me to serve Him in a full time, itinerant ministry, as a helper to the local church. I do this primarily through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God and the reaching out to sinners, exhorting them to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior; and to saints, encouraging them to live a victorious Christian life. Our ministry encourages the local church through Revival Meetings, Bible Conferences, Retreats and Camps, Vacation Bible School, Soul-winning Visitation, Pulpit Supply, and Biblical Counseling and Discipleship. It is the desire of My Anchor Holds Ministry to honor God by helping people through these endeavors. If we can be of service to you, your local church, or someone you know, please contact us:

My Anchor Holds Ministries
336 Lambs Bridge Road
Swainsboro, Ga. 30401
(478) 237-6057 – Church Office
(704) 473-8221 – Cell